In this first quarter of the year, there are plenty of actions going on in this South-East Asia region. Both Thailand and Indonesia will hold general election in March and April respectively while Malaysia had just hold out its election in May last year, in which they return their former longest serving Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad into power, and in the process ousted Najib Razak, who had been plagued by the 1MDB scandal.

Over in Thailand, as reported by the Straits Times... To continue reading, you must be logged in to view this content. To continue, kindly login or register as per follow please:

escveritasGlobalLatest ThinkingPoliticsasean,democracy,election,Indonesia,politic,populism,sensationalism,thailandIn this first quarter of the year, there are plenty of actions going on in this South-East Asia region. Both Thailand and Indonesia will hold general election in March and April respectively while Malaysia had just hold out its election in May last year, in which they return their...Your Industries Online